
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Strange Days part 2

And getting stranger by the day, pardon the loop.
This flood of UFO and alien related info could be just the result of a global feeling of entrapment, kind of like rats in a cage multiplying too fast, or it could be what it seems. (although the latter is rarely true)

I‘ve been following the Russian UFO crash story, and the newest development is that the two people who made the video have admitted it is fake.
Or where they coerced by the ubiquitous Men in Dark? I mean, well you know what I mean. Original story here, and the crash story (in Russian) here.

Things getting weirder now. Some guy seems to have discovered a document on the NASA website dealing with the deciphering of alien messages (!). I don’t want to comment on that one. Could be a drill or something, but still, pretty intriguing.
Read it here.

And the weirdness just keeps escalating.. Read this:

A shocking ‘top-secret’ report prepared Russia’s Ministry of Emergency Situations (EMERCOM) on their meeting this past week with Prime Minister Putin, in Novgorod region, warns that our planet Earth is ‘under attack’ by an as yet unnamed ‘extraterrestrial entity’ to which President Medvedev has responded by ordering a second regiment of S-400 Triumf anti-aircraft missile system to protect Moscow from low-Earth orbiting ‘targets’.
According to this report, the extraordinary gamma-ray explosion first observed in deep space on March 28 by NASA’s Swift satellite, and that has so far lasted an unprecedented 12 days, appears to be ‘communicating’ with the massive Asteroid 2010 SO16 , the largest space rock ever discovered so close to Earth, and Asteroid 2005 YU55, a round mini-world that is about 400 meters (1,300 feet) in diameter and which in early November will approach our planet within a scant 0.85 lunar distances.
Though Russian scientists have as yet been unable to identify what these ‘communications’ mean, this report continues, the effects upon our planet are being widely observed due to these two Asteroid’s shooting of ‘blue beams’ into our Earth’s upper atmosphere that have been captured on video in Russia, New Zealand and by the International Space Station. (…)

Confused yet? Full story here.

To finish this piece, I saved the best for last! Some guy made a video compiling UFO reports from TV and photographs from the past two years, showing that these things are escalating. Yes, we knew that, but it’s nice to see it all in one place.

The interesting part, for me at least, starts at 8:15. If that does not creep you out, you have ice water in your veins. And it also gives a nice sense of closure to all this!  
And by closure I mean Invasion.

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