
Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Mohorovicic Discontinuity: Hollow Earth, sort of..

Here's an interesting piece of fact I'd never heard of, despite my years of delving into fringe matters:
The Mohorovicic Discontinuity, or Moho as it usually referred to, is a huge gap between the Earth's crust and the Mantle.
Discovered through the use of seismic waves back in 1909 by the gentleman on the left, it is a huge mystery as to it's composition. The waves indicate a change in composition, about 35 km beneath the earth, and several kilometers thick.
Scientists DO NOT rule out the possibility of huge gaps, like  let's say, caves, the size of small continents and with roofs up to 7 kilometers high.
Got it? Wrap your head around it, did you now? Middle Earth, Hollow Earth, Shamballa and Thule, all wrapped into, well, lots and lots of caves. Or it could just be basalt, or crushed granite, or water.. But we can dream, can't we?
The downside to all this is that it is virtually unexplorable. The depths are phenomenal, way more than we have ever reached, although some serious effort has been made through the years, through an ill-fated American attempt, and a half-way success but the Russians. No, they did not reach the Moho, but they get an A for effort, and for drilling the world's deepest hole, 12,262 meters if you please, before the project was scrapped for lack of money.. 
Read all about the Kola superdeep borehole here.
Makes you think though, doesn't it?

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