
Monday, October 10, 2011

Rendlesham, UFO on and PCMag


First, this interesting page on Rendlesham Forest, it’s weird history continuing, as it does in all truly Haunted Places. For those not familiar with the history of Rendlesham, read this: You Can't Tell the People: The Definitive Account of the Rendlesham Forest UFO Mystery: The Cover-up of Britain's Roswell , as the Jenny Randles original book seems to be out of print. Containing several reports about the area of the forest, as well as about the Woodbridge Air Force base, the article (or a collection of clippings) makes a valid case about the High Strangeness that never left, as well as some government involvement:

The contactee, said he was astounded to read in her book "You Can't tell the People", that Georgina Bruni had been allowed entry to some of the buildings in the air base at Woodbridge….
"The sealed sectors, Georgina could not inspect, were decontamination units for soldiers who had been in contact with viruses and other gases - some died; some were very ill; others had to be sent home", he said.

His weirdest encounters involved tall, spindly people, who used certain doorways to enter and exit buildings, mostly at night. They never spoke, seemed to be in control and their faces were always concealed by breathing apparatus.

After the war, these strange characters remained on the base for years and might still be there. ..
A security guard told him that he did not know what was kept in the many vaults around this particular room. He stressed that it best not to ask questions, although innocent, could be misconstrued as an offence leading to courtmartial…

Although some information about past events begins to surface, he suspects that projects still continue there today, in secrecy under the ground.

Full Page Here

On another, more recent case, this man writing to the BBC did a pretty thorough job of trying to find out what he saw. Not that he succeeded in any way, but an A+ for trying.
Read it, as the letter is as sincere as they come..

Last but not least, an article in PCMag (!) states that an alien invasion is imminent as shown by the spike in UFO activity during the last three months.
Invasion Talk going mainstream? Slowly but steadily..

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