
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hole from Within


The hole above appeared in someone’s yard, apparently in broad daylight, and with no one seeing or hearing a thing.

“To me it looked like something blew out of the ground because the grass was folded back, the rocks and dirt were all spewn out into the cul-de-sac and across the driveway,” Sue, who asked not to be identified out of concern that the hole may draw unwanted onlookers and crowds, said…

Officials and experts are also scratching their heads. For now, it appears the small crater that splayed debris across a 100-foot area wasn’t caused by a meteorite. Beyond that, it’s a mystery.

“It’s just really, really weird,” said Jerry Vinski, director of nearby Raritan Valley Community College’s planetarium, who conducted tests on the site. “We dug around and couldn’t find anything. We used metal detectors because all meteors have metal in them, and we couldn’t find anything, large or small.”

Bernards Township Police Capt. Edward Byrnes said whatever hit the front yard left a crater about 18 inches deep and roughly the size of a coffee table.

A State Police bomb squad ruled out explosives, Byrnes said.

There you have it. A War of the Worlds scenario, right in our front yard. Or hers anyway. I enjoy these High Strangeness events, that cannot be categorized and put in neat little Paranormal Boxes.

I wish there were more of them, although I suspect that their nature is what prevents them from ever being reported...

Original Story

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