
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Pomare Disk: Alien Origins?


An interesting case I came across involves a strange artifact discovered by a Colombian fisherman in the sea.
The object, known as the Pomare Disk, is a perfectly smooth parabolic mirror and displays some strange properties, besides the fact that it was found in 1959!

Some of the properties according to Paul Damon :

  • It is made of multi-layered metal, 12 layers at least.
  • The back, dull black, has a crystalline structure under the black coat.
  • The metal seems to repair itself on both sides! When he tried to scratch it with a coin to take a sample, the scratched disappeared as soon as he looked away.. ( Schrödinger anyone?)
  • The disc seems to be completely indestructible and impenetrable, at least with household tools.
  • When put under sunlight it reaches boiling temperature in 3 seconds!
  • Last but not least, strange white men appeared trying to buy it…..

If it is all true, it seems to be a great find, but I cannot seem to find a follow-up on the investigation, since the original article is dated in 2007, so the possibility of a hoax is not out of the question.

Read the whole piece here (quite lengthy). The article is below the post on UFO reverse engineering.


  1. I think this disc thingy is belong to otherworldly ambience .myself also an ameture ufologist support the fact that it may be possibly left over of ancient aliens

  2. If it reaches boiling point in 3 secs when exposed to the sun how are they holding it in the picture?
