
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Discredit-Misinform-Destroy: Business as usual

In this article in the Independent, it appears there is a full-fledged conspiracy attempt against the conspiracy whistle-blowers themselves: Wikileaks. Read on:

The computer hackers' collective Anonymous has uncovered a proposal by a consortium of private contractors to attack and discredit WikiLeaks.

Last week Anonymous volunteers broke into the servers of HB Gary Federal, a security company that sells investigative services to companies, and posted thousands of the firm's emails on to the internet….
Hacktivists, journalists and bloggers have since pored over the emails and discovered what appears to be a proposal that was intended to be pitched to the Bank of America to sabotage WikiLeaks and discredit journalists who are sympathetic to the whistle-blowing website.

The PowerPoint presentation claims that a trio of internet security companies – HB Gary Federal, Palantir Technologies and Berico Technologies – are already prepared to attack WikiLeaks which is rumoured to be getting ready to release a cache of potentially embarrassing information on the Bank of America.

The presentation, which has been seen by The Independent, recommends a multi-pronged assault on WikiLeaks including deliberately submitting false documents to the website to undermine its credibility, pioneering cyber attacks to expose who the leakers to WikiLeaks are and going after sympathetic journalists.

Well, if 70 years of UFOlogy and Paranormal Research have taught us anything, is that it is business as usual for the Darkly Clad Men.
The business of misinformation, deceit, mayhem. Most of the time it works, too. For the masses at least.
You see, the Internet is the great False Info Superhighway, but it is also the truth’s only hope. In this day and age conspiracies don’t seem to last as long as they used to, and they are short-lived at best..

Unless the above piece of news is part of the Conspiracy, aimed at diverting attention away from.. what?
Hell if I know. Interesting nonetheless.

Transparency is here. What do we see?

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