
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

DIY project: The Devil’s Toybox


I just had to blog about this, in case I can inspire anyone to try it and report back..

According to James Paradie of Scared Sheetless, you can build a little device called The Devil’s Toybox and produce some really creepy results.
Construction is simple. Six mirrors of the same size, glued together with the reflective side inside, thus forming a cube.
What can you do with it, you ask?

But, you take six mirrors of the same size, put them into a cube form…Okay, what else do you do? Do you do any special séance or do you put some witch spell on it? Neither. You simply let it sit and let it do it’s “work”. Supposedly if you were to let this sit for awhile the six mirrors, according to Mr. Warren, cause a back and forth energy loop. Over time you could be hearing strange noises coming from the cube. Growling and other weird noises have been reported coming from the mirror.

All this according to paranormal junkie, Joshua P. Warren, as reports of this cannot be found anywhere in Googleland.
So, why would you build something that can scare the shit out of you in the middle of the night, with no apparent gain? Well, because you can!  I’m tempted.

Eagerly awaiting your reports on this!


  1. Come on! Build it! You know you want it! Build it!

  2. im also interested in building one ive looked around and havent seen much for it but its what inspired clive barker to make the cube for hellraiser. i do have a belief that he was on to something more than just a good movie due to his knowledge of the occult. i feel there is a lot of truth in those movies you just need to know where to look and what to listen too. i plan on building one and if i have any results(growls noises ect.) ill post my results. with the history of mirrors i feel that this could work or at least do something. and remember even the act of building something like that is gaining attention so your some what on your way to your desired results

  3. Ι am looking forward to hearing your results! I hadn't thought about the Hellraiser cube.. Hmmm. Maybe this thing is older than I thought. Be careful though! And let us know what happens.

  4. This is the first time I have heard of the devils Toybox. Having used the ouija board for a long time it sounds interesting. So, since I couldnt find any hard info as to if the size matters I just finished biulding my own. I went with what was available without me having to cut it down so, mine is 1 cubic ft. 12" x 12". Now it's just a matter of time will tell. Should it make any sounds or do anything else strange, I'll put my K2 and digital recorder next to it and post any findings.

  5. I am looking forward to hearing your findings, positive or negative! (I am not even sure which is which)... Thanks for the update!

  6. Not dead yet. I work a lot so I havent had a lot of time to mess with it. I finally spent about an hour with it this weekend. I put my toybox on my coffee table, my Ouija Board on top of that and my
    K2 right next to it. It was 02:45, clear skies, no wind, 29 degrees outside. I sat in total darkness and just asked if anybody wanted to communicate with me and if so to just go near the green light (My K2). Nothing happened so, I just kept repeating if anybody wants to communicate to just go by the green light, I said it cant hurt you. After about the 5th time I said this I heard what sounded like SHHHH. It sounded to me like the planchette on the board had slid across the board. My K2 flashed a few lights at the same time and then nothing else. So I turned the light on and the planchette hadnt moved at all. I was the only person there, no pets. I can not explain the SSHHH sound I heard. I want to mess with it some more. A lot of people consider my place spooke central and a lot of strange things have happened there so I'm sure if this thing works it's just a matter of time to get some real good findings.


  7. Built one yesterday. Early this morning had a weird whisper in my ear at about 4:00 am. Nothing else so far. Into night #2.

  8. Lots of shushing and whispering... Let's see about night No 2. You might hear more if you are actually awake though...

  9. Illuminatus---I'll post daily with your permission. Night #2---Feel asleep in my comfy chair watching "The Last Temptation if Christ". Hey it was n late and I had caffeine. I awoke at 1:30 am in my chair he box is next to my chair on a table. I moved to the bedroom where the whisper occurred the first time.

    This time I was awake and heard some very deep breathing from the hallway next to my room. Like someone trying to get my attention. Like a few Huffs. I was spooked, but turned and looked, nothing there. So I went to sleep. No odd dreams. Tonight my GF is staying with me and will bring her cat. I will set the box on the floor and observe her behavior, if it is odd, I will record some short video.

  10. Night#3:

    Got home from work. Swam Laps. Girlfriend came over with her cat. The cat showed no resistance to the box.

    Couldn't sleep due to sore and stiff muscles from a car hitting me head on while on my racing bike back on August 30.

    Girlfriend slept over and nothing seemed to happen. We are leaving in a bit to go grocery shopping. I placed my voice recorder inside the box while we are gone.


  11. Yesterday was weird with the box. Everytime I used my Sony IC recorder it would run about three seconds and stop. So I tried and experiment and recorded nearly two hours of my GF and the tv etc...

    So I thought, "not the recorder". I place the recorder on top of the box last night and let it run all nght. I heard t shut off at 7:00am. About 6 hours recorded. I went to upload the recording and there are 4 segments no longer than 30 seconds. Nothing but some white noise.

    Since my GF is an audio specialist--works on films and restoration, we will use her Zoom recorder tonight.

    When I walked in the kitchen this morning there was some trash on the floor. Nothing gross, just paper and my old handel bar tape. I through this away two days ago and the garbage can is in a little closet. That was weird--not scary--but weird.

  12. The recorder malfunction is indeed very interesting. If the Zoom responds the same way, you're on to something!
    As for the garbage, I think a cat in the house is a very strong suspect..
    Do you have access to an Infrared camera, the old Sony Handycam type? That could be interesting.
    Keep us posted!

  13. Been awhile, sorry. So not the cat. Now I hate to post when it is sol close to Halloween and the TV is full of good creepy stuff. BUT I post anyway. No luck with the zoom yet. I did however get a Spirit Box from Chris fleming. Last night I used it at 1:00am (less atmospheric noise, ie people are asleep. I was in my bed room and the Devil's Toybox was in the living room. I started asking if anyone was there, I heard in a soft voice, "grandma". I was not sure if it was paradelia, so I kept asking and sweeping different rates. I then heard rustling in the living room and hall way, it got pretty loud, so I went out to check it out. Nt a thing out of place. I was away last week and while gone my GF stayed here. While she was eating dinner she had an exoperience where the blinds next to my back door flew forward. No the door was not open and no vents. Only 4 blinds moved. She freaked a bit. Onto more with the DTB and the Spirit ITC device. Let's see!!

  14. I had no idea what a spirit box was. I googled it and I was impressed! Real time EVP indeed! Keep us posted Christopher!

  15. I would like to know how legal this is. I have seen the Devils Toy Box on telivision and websites. I would love to try this but I have no idea what could come from it besides what its made for. This looks like a lot of fun just building but I would love to try it out.

  16. I would like to kow how legal this is in Colorado. Considering that fact that it has to do with the paranormal i would love to try this for a scare or two. I feel that this is a great project and can be very fun and exciting.

  17. I would love to know how legal this is in CO. I would like to try this but do not know the trobles that it causes and I think it is a wonderful project.

  18. Soooo....what happened to Christopher?
